Data on discrimination and (in)equality: equality data project
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Looking for data on discrimination and (in)equality? Unia has developed a database with all sources on equality data in Belgium (available in French and Dutch).
Select the criteria and areas of discrimination and immediately discover the available data sources. This project Improving equality data collection in Belgium (IEDCB)' project is based on the guidelines of the Subgroup on Equality Data of the European Commission's High-level group on Non-discrimination, Equality and Diversity.
Equality data: what are they?
Equality data are both quantitative and qualitative data that describe and analyse equality or inequality. This can include official data (census, administrative databases), polls, victim surveys, complaints or reports, discrimination tests, diversity monitoring or qualitative research.
Why are equality data important?
If we want to combat discrimination and inequality, equality data is needed to form a more accurate picture of reality. Correct and complete data makes it possible to identify and resolve problems by means of a policy based on facts and not intuition.
What data on discrimination and inequality are included?
Phase 1
A first phase (2020-2021) consisted of developing the ‘equality data’ hub which brings together all data sources in Belgium concerning these 3 categories of discrimination criteria:
- so-called 'racial' criteria: the so-called 'race', skin colour, nationality, ancestry and national or ethnic origin
- philosophical or religious beliefs
- sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics
The final report 'Improving equality data collection in Belgium (IEDCB)' summarises this first phase of the project. Among other things, it mentions the gaps in the data sources and contains recommendations.
Phase 2
The second phase of the IEDCB project started at the beginning of 2023. The objective? To extend the data hub to cover the criteria of disability, physical characteristics and health status. The research team is currently carrying out an inventory and collecting information through:
- meetings with advisory groups
- surveys
- interviews with experts
In January 2023, Unia also launched research on self-definition of origin in Belgium.
By mid-2024, the data hub will contain the data sources for these criteria as well. The sources for the criteria of the first phase will also be updated during this phase.
Who are the partners in the 'Improving equality data collection in Belgium (IEDCB)' project?
The two phases were jointly carried out by the Equal Opportunities Unit (FPS Justice) and Unia. The first phase was co-financed by the REC (Rights, Equality and Citizenship) programme of the European Commission. The second phase is financed by the Equal Opportunities Unit (FPS Justice).
Find out more
Equality data in Belgium: study on self-identification of origin
This research by Unia is important in order to better understand the factors that lead to inequality and discrimination.
Data on (in)equality & discrimination in Belgium: results of the project 'Improving equality data collection in Belgium' (2021)
"Improving equality data collection in Belgium” (IEDCB) is a Belgian project co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) programme of the Directorate-General for Justice of the European Commission.
Report ‘Improving Equality Data Collection in Belgium II‘ - disability, health status, physical characteristics
Unia has conducted a second study on equality data collection in Belgium. This time the project focused on the criteria disability, health status, and physical characteristics.
Report discrimination
Do you feel you have experienced or witnessed discrimination? Report it online or call the toll-free number 0800 12 800 on weekdays between 9.30 a.m. and 1 p.m.
- Studies
- Statistics
- Racial characteristics
- Religious and philosophical convictions
- Sexual orientation
- Protected gender criterion
- Disability
- State of health
- Physical characteristics