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INESAC project: fighting inequalities in municipal administrative sanctions

  • Studies

INESAC is an acronym that combines INEgalité and SAC for Sanctions Administratives Communales (municipal administrative sanctions or GAS: gemeentelijke administratieve sancties). The INESAC project is focused on the effect of municipal administrative sanctions on inequality.

As part of the local security policy, municipalities regulate public space through SAC/GAS sanctions or municipal administrative sanctions. Despite the potential consequences of SAC/GAS sanctions in terms of inequality, the subject has been little explored. This is why Unia commissioned a team from the Institute of Environmental Management and Regional Planning (ULB) to conduct research. Results are expected by May 2025.

What are SAC/GAS sanctions?

Municipal Administrative Sanctions (SAC/GAS) offer local authorities a means of more rapidly intervening to address public nuisances committed on their territory. In this way, behaviour can be penalised which may not be considered a very serious offense but which is nevertheless perceived as particularly disruptive to daily life

There are four types of administrative sanctions (article 4 SAC/GAS law): 

  • the municipal administrative fine (350 EUR maximum and 175 EUR for minors); 
  • the administrative suspension of an authorisation or permission issued by the municipality; 
  • the administrative withdrawal of an authorisation or permission issued by the municipality; 
  • the administrative closure of an establishment on a temporary or permanent basis. 

What are the research objectives?

Unia commissioned the ULBInstitute of Environmental Management and Regional Planning to conduct research examining how local authorities apply SAC/GAS sanctions. 

This research, which began in December 2023, will pay particular attention to the influence of SAC/GAS sanctions on (in)equalities by focusing on how SAC/GAS sanctions target people in vulnerable situations and could affect them disproportionately. 

The research project's mission is to

  • contribute to the scientific literature concerning SAC/GAS sanctions via a systematic study of criminalisation through SAC/GAS sanctions in Belgium; 
  • identify possible systemic inequalities caused by SAC/GAS sanctions;
  • identify the differentiated impact of local security policies;
  • Make recommendations.

INESAC in practice

  • Study of case files on the different local security policy plans in a selection of Belgian municipalities and cities.
  • Qualitative interviews with professionals and local stakeholders 
  • Statistical analysis of SAC/GAS sanctions in the selected municipalities in order to highlight (in)equalities 
  • Results expected in May 2025

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  • Studies