Not satisfied with Unia's services? You can file a complaint as an individual or an organisation.
What complaints do we handle?
The complaint must be about how Unia operates or the quality of its services.
For example:
- You receive no information or response from Unia about your case.
- The information you receive from Unia (via brochures, website etc.) is incomplete or unclear.
- You are not satisfied with the way Unia can be contacted (via reception, telephone, etc.).
- You have to wait too long for an answer from Unia.
You are dissatisfied with the behaviour of a Unia employee (during a telephone call, during a meeting, etc.)
Which complaints will Unia not handle not be handeld by Unia?
We cannot handle:
- Anonymous complaints,
- Complaints without clear motives (describe your reasons clearly).
- Events that occurred more than one year ago.
- Events which do not fall within Unia's mandate and competences.
- Events for which administrative appeal procedures exist.
- Events for which a court appeal is pending (labour courts, Council of State, etc.).
- Events for which a procedure has already been started with the Federal Ombudsman.
In these cases, your complaint is not admissible.
How can you file a complaint?
You can do so in several ways:
- Fill in our complaint form.
- Fill in the Word or PDF version of our complaint form, print the document and send it to Unia at 40 Victor Horta Square, post box 40, 1060 Brussels.
You will receive a confirmation of receipt within 15 days. If your complaint is admissible, you will receive a motivated reply.
Kloppen die formulieren nog? Of moeten die aangepast worden?
What if you are not satisfied with our answer?
You can file a complaint with the Federal Ombudsman in one of the following ways:
- Fill in the complaint form.
- Call +32800 999 61 (free).
- Email