Where to find help if Unia cannot help?
Unfortunately we can only follow up on your report of discrimination, if we are competent to do so.
In the case that Unia cannot support you, we will refer you to other organisations that can help you.
We have summed them up for you here:
Quickly find the right help
Open Help in case of crisis
- Family doctor/ GP on call 1733
- Police: dial 101
- Emergency Care : dial 112
- Tele-Onthaal 106 (to talk about problems anonymously)
- Suïcide prevention line 1813
Open Listening lines for children and teenagers
Open Help for adults
- 1712 : professional helpline for questions about violence, abuse and child abuse
- CAW : for any question, concern or problem
- Centrum voor Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg (CGG) : in case of serious mental health problems.
- Commissie voor Juridische Bijstand (CJB) : free first-line legal aid
- Federale Ombudsman : for problems with a federal government agency
- FIRM : assistance in the case of human rights violations
- PAG-ASA : assistance to victims of human trafficking
- Slachtofferzorg.be : assistance if you are a victim or witness of a crime, road accident, disaster or attack
Open Questions or testimonials concerning gender and sexual diversity
- Lumi: helpline for all your questions on gender and sexual orientation
- Sensoa: Flemish centre of expertise for sexual health
- Transgender Information centre
Open Discrimination when Unia is not competent
- Data protection authority : for problems regarding data protection
- Institute for the equality of women and men : for discrimination based on gender
- Myria : for the protection of the fundamental rights of foreigners
- VMRI : for Flemish community and regional matters