Equality Data: data on (in)equality and discrimination
- Studies
- Statistics
- Age
- Racial characteristics
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To tackle inequality and discrimination, you first need a clear picture of the issues at stake. Plenty of research exists already, but this information is often fragmented and hard to find. To improve this situation, Unia has developed the Equality Data Hub, which provides an overview of existing data on equality. Unia also regularly publishes reports containing recommendations for improving equality data in Belgium.
Find data with the Equality Data Hub
Looking for reliable data on discrimination and (in)equality in Belgium? Unia's Equality Data Hub provides an overview of existing data on equality. The Equality Data Hub helps policy-makers and organizations to develop evidence-based policies. Select the grounds you are interested in and discover the sources you need.
Reports: how can equality data be improved?
Unia analyses the available data in detail and studies the gaps. Based on this analysis, we make recommendations to improve the quality of the data collected. These projects follow the guidelines of the European Commission's Subgroup on Equality Data.
Reports and results on equality data
So-called 'racial' criteria, religious belief and sexual orientation
We have designed the Equality Data Hub on the basis of existing data on the following discrimination grounds:
- so-called “racial” criteria: so-called “race”, skin color, nationality, descent and national or ethnic origin
- philosophical or religious beliefs
- sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sexual characteristics.
The study revealed shortcomings, including a lack of attention to intersectionality.
Disability, physical characteristics and health status
We have expanded the Equality Data Hub to include data sources on:
- disability
- physical characteristics
- health status
Analysis of the available data once again revealed gaps, which are described in detail in the report. Our discussions with the experts also led to a number of concrete recommendations. For example, the way in which disability is opperationalised needs to be fundamentally reviewed. We also need to reflect on the use of terms relating to fat phobia.
Self-identification of origin
Unia studied a new method of data collection in which people decide whether and how they define their origins. Self-identification of origins gives a more comprehensive picture of diversity and origin, which is essential to better identify inequality and discrimination.
Age discrimination - ongoing
Unia is currently conducting a new study on age discrimination. We are currently using a participatory approach for this research, and deciding on the research question based on the needs expressed by the actors working on this topic. The research question will be communicated in December 2024. The research results will be published in December 2025.
In addition, the equality data hub will be supplemented by resources on age discrimination and inequality. This will be available by December 2025.
This research project is funded by the Equal Opportunities Department of the Federal Public Service (FPS) Justice.
More on equality data
Data on (in)equality & discrimination in Belgium: results of the project 'Improving equality data collection in Belgium' (2021)
"Improving equality data collection in Belgium” (IEDCB) is a Belgian project co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) programme of the Directorate-General for Justice of the European Commission.
Report ‘Improving Equality Data Collection in Belgium II‘ - disability, health status, physical characteristics
Unia has conducted a second study on equality data collection in Belgium. This time the project focused on the criteria disability, health status, and physical characteristics.
Study on self-identification of origin (2023-2024)
This research by Unia is important in order to better understand the factors that lead to inequality and discrimination.

Conference June 2024
On 17 June 2024, Unia organised a conference to present the results of the 2nd phase of the equality data project. Explore the slides of the presentations:
- Studies
- Statistics
- Age
- Racial characteristics
- Religious and philosophical convictions
- Sexual orientation
- Protected gender criterion
- Disability
- State of health
- Physical characteristics