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Resources & Advice

Unia is a knowledge and expertise centre that researches inclusion and discrimination topics and makes them accessible in various ways. We have compiled all of this into a knowledge database for you. Search by specific words or filter by policy recommendations, studies, practical tools, annual reports, election memorandum, etc.  

Want to dive straight into data sources on discrimination? Check out our Equality Data Hub (only available in FR and DU).

Good to know: this is just some of the knowledge base in French and Dutch. So be sure to take a look there too.

In the spotlight

Studies, Statistics

Equality Data: data on (im)equality and dis­crim­i­na­tion

To tackle inequality and discrimination, we first need a clear picture of the problem. Much research has already been done, but this information is often scattered and hard to find. The Equality Data Hub brings all this data together in one place.


INESAC project - Tackling in­equal­i­ties in local ad­min­is­tra­tive sanctions (SAC)

11 June 2024

The INESAC project will pay particular attention to the influence of SACs on inequalities. The results are expected in May 2025.


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A total of 29 items found. Showing 29 items on page 5 of 5.
29 results found
Advise or recommendation

2019 Elections: Memorandum

17 December 2018

Discover Unia's 61 recommendations to put equal opportunities on the agenda for the federal, regional, EU and European elections in May 2019.


Diversity Barometer Education (2018)

4 February 2018

Unia commissioned a study to be carried out about equal opportunities in the schools in the three Communities in Belgium. The Diversity Barometer Education is the final part of a triptych. The first two parts were about Employment (2012) and Housing (2014).

Annual reports

Annual report 2015

14 June 2016

The year 2015 left a deep mark on our society. Violent conflicts and tensions on a global scale have had a direct impact on us. As we finalise this annual report, Belgium is suffering the repercussions of the bomb attacks at Zaventem airport and Maelbeek metro station in Brussels.


Monitoring report: Human Rights of Older Persons and Long-Term Care (2016)

31 March 2016

Monitoring Report on The Human Rights situation of Older Persons in Belgian Residential Care Settings. 

Annual Report 2014 - Agreement between the In­terfed­er­al Centre for Equal Op­por­tu­ni­ties and the federal police

8 July 2015

The federal police and the Centre for Equal Opportunities have been working together closely since 1996 in order to bring this ambition to fruition and fully integrate diversity in the existing processes within the police.