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Organisation & Board of Directors

The management, board of directors and departments of Unia do everything they can to promote equality and combat discrimination in Belgium.

Management board

Els Keytsman and Patrick Charlier have been appointed as directors of Unia since 2016. They lead Unia under the supervision of the board of directors. 

Els Keytsman

Els studied Business Management and Applied Economic Sciences (VUB). She has held various management positions in the social and public sectors. After being politically active for several years, she became head of the Politics Department of Oxfam-Wereldwinkels vzw and director of Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen.

Els Keytsman has been a member of the  European Commission Office against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) since December 2023 and an alternate member of the Bureau of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) since 2021.

Patrick Charlier

Patrick is a lawyer by training. He has worked for the Ligue des droits humains (Human Rights Ligue), first as legal advisor (1992-1996), then as director (1996-2001). In 2001 he joined Unia, where he has held various positions: first within the Racism Department and the Migration Observatory, then as coordinator of the Discrimination Department and finally as director.

Patrick has been chairman of Equinet (European network of equality bodies) since October 2023. He is also an alternate member of the Central Supervisory Board for the Prison System.

Board of Directors

Unia is governed by the board of directors which has various powers:

  • appointing the management 
  • deciding in which cases Unia will go to court 
  • approving the strategic and operational plan, budget, annual report, communication plan and personnel plan

The board of directors is composed of 17 members including 2 co-chairs: Shaireen Aftab and David Quinaux. They are appointed for 6 years.

Nominations par Membres effectifsMembres suppléants
Chambre des représentantsShaireen AftabTine Claus
 Hanne De RooClaudia Bonamini
 Ellen DesmetSaloua El Moussaoui
 Marc MichilsAbdelkarim Bellafkih
 Jogchum VrielinkDirk Jacobs
 Sotieta NgoPauline Tombus
 Bernadette RenauldAchilvie Docketh-Yemalayen
 Charles-Eric ClessePierre Nilles
 Pierre-Arnaud Perrouty 
 Didier DochainVincent Yzerbyt
Parlement wallonNastasja WartelGisèle Marliere
 David QuinauxChristophe Jambers
Parlement de la Région de Bruxelles-CapitaleFahim De LeenerJoeri Behets
 Shadi FarkhojastehAnne Banet
Parlement de la Communauté françaiseCorentin Delmotte 
 Pierre-Alexandre Asmanis De SchachtHajar Lawrizy
Parlement de la Communauté germanophoneDirk SchleihsUwe Köberich


Our organisation consists of various services and transversal units:

Open Close Prospection

Open Close Communication

Open Close Prevention

Open Close Protection

Open Close Policy & Monitoring

Open Close Internal management

Open Close HR

Open Close Transversal unit racism /CERD

Open Close Transversal unit disability/CRPD

Open Close Transversal unit local outreach

Report discrimination

Do you feel you have experienced or witnessed discrimination? Report it online or call the toll-free number 0800 12 800 on weekdays between 9.30 a.m. and 1 p.m.