Act of 30 July 1981 - racism, xenophobia
(BS, 8 VIII 81) and motified on 15 February 1993 (BS, 19 II 93), 12 April 1994 (BS, 14 V 94), 7 May 1999 (BS, 25 VI 99), 20 January 2003 (BS, 12 II 03) and 23 January 2003 (BS, 13 III 03), 25 february 2003 (B.S 17 III 2003), 10 May 2007 (BS 30 V 2007)
Art. 444
The guilty party shall be punished by a prison sentence of eight days to one year and by a fine of twenty six francs to two hundred francs, when the charges have been committed: either in public meetings or places; or in the presence of several people, in a place that is not public but accessible to a number of people who are entitled to meet or visit there; or in any place in the presence of the offended person and in front of witnesses; or through documents, printed or otherwhise, illustrations or symbols that have been displayed, distributed, sold, offered for sale, or publicly exhibited; or finally by documents that have not been made public but which have been sent or communicated to several people.