Media and internet

During a TV broadcast, a wheelchair user is systematically kept out of the picture, a newspaper describes Roma and caravan dwellers as criminals or dealers, an anonymous Twitter-user calls for all homosexuals to be shot, …

The media plays a role in shaping our worldview. Prejudices about religion, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation and other protected criteria can be reinforced - or dispelled - by the media. Unia regularly receives reports of stereotypical depictions, prejudices, or even hate speech in the media.

More info about media and internet

Internet and social media

Are there no limits to what people can say online? When are the boundaries of free speech crossed? What does Unia do? And how can you personally combat online hate? Read more.

Newspapers, magazines and books

What are press offences? Which court is responsible for handling them? And what can you personally do if you encounter hateful texts? Read more.

Radio, video and television

Where can you report hateful or stereotypical passages from radio, video or television? And what is the difference between written expression and spoken expression on radio, video or television? Read more.   

What does Unia do?

Have you heard or read hate speech in one of the types of media mentioned above? Then report it to Unia. We will investigate whether the limits of free speech have been transgressed and we can provide you with advice and guidance.

In addition:

Victim or witness
of discrimination?

Report it!