From one Centre to two
In 2014, the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism will be transformed into an Interfederal Centre for Equal Opportunities and a Federal Migration Centre.
Comparable articles
Unia’s survey on the acceptance of homosexuals/bisexuals: a positive evolution in mind-set even though there is still progress to be made
Upon Unia's request, iVOX conducted a survey among 1,000 people on the social perception of homosexuality/bisexuality and attitudes towards LGB (lesbians, gays and bisexuals) people. Despite an advanced legislative framework and positively evolving social acceptance, the survey revealed continuing blockages among certain groups or in sectors such as teaching and employment.
More employment discrimination cases reported to Unia in 2017
Last year Unia opened a total of 2,017 cases of situations where people felt they were the subject of discrimination. This represents a 6% increase over 2016 (1,907 cases). Instances of employment discrimination were the most frequently opened cases at Unia.
Improve the collection and processing of equality data in Belgium
"Improving equality data collection in Belgium" (IEDCB) is a Belgian project co-funded by the European Commission's Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) programme. It is carried out in partnership by the Equal Opportunities Team (FOD Justitie - SPF Justice) and Unia.
Unia worried about anti-Semitism in Belgium
Unia will today again press in anti-Semitism hearings in the Belgian Senate for the reintroduction of an anti-Semitism watchdog. The organisation will further ask Minister Kris Peeters, now responsible for Equal Opportunities, to take the first steps towards an inter-federal action plan against discrimination and racism.