Is Unia active in Flanders?

Yes, Unia is active in Flanders as an equality body.

Unia is competent to fight discrimination on the basis of nationality, 'race', skin colour, descent, ethnic or national origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, disability, age, sexual orientation, state of health, wealth, physical characteristics, marital status, family composition, political beliefs, trade union beliefs, birth and social origin or condition.

Since 15 March 2023, Flemish competences such as the rental market in Flanders, Dutch-speaking education or the public transport of De Lijn have been taken over by the Flemish Institute for Human Rights. Unia is responsible in Flanders, as well as in Brussels and Wallonia, for all federal competences. These include, for example, hate speech, hate crime and offences, discrimination at work, the hotel and catering industry, commercial activities, banks and insurance companies, consumer and patient rights, public health, public transport (SNCB, STIB, TEC), defence, police, justice, etc.

Unia is therefore particularly competent in promoting equality and fighting against discrimination and racism. In concrete terms, we offer these services in Flanders:

  • Support for people who are discriminated against
  • Help for victims of hate speech and hate crime
  • Protection of the rights of people with disabilities
  • Reporting to national and international institutions
  • Research
  • Advice and recommendations
  • Advice and structural support to local authorities and partners
  • Trainings

You don't know if Unia can help you? Contact us and we will provide you with the best possible support and information.