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Survey - Defining one’s origin in equality data
Take the survey! In order to combat racial discrimination and inequality it is important to have data on the origins of people who suffer discrimination (equality data), so that discrimination and inequality can be identified, measures can be taken and the impact of these measures, assessed. A study funded by SPF Justice's Equal Opportunities Team.
Belgium has not taken sufficient account of the situation of Travellers
The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) has issued its decision concerning a police operation in Belgium against Travellers. Read it here.
Unia calls for urgent action to fight structural discrimination against people of African origin
To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Unia is publishing a report about the discrimination against people of African origin in Belgium and is making a series of recommendations. It is in the areas of employment, housing and education that the discriminations and inequalities suffered by this group are most keenly felt. "The contrast between their high level of education and their low level of employment is striking," says Els Keytsman and Patrick Charlier, Directors of Unia.
Why safe spaces are essential for marginalised groups
Differentiation on the basis of skin colour is never permissible. There is not the slightest doubt about that.
Improve the collection and processing of equality data in Belgium
"Improving equality data collection in Belgium" (IEDCB) is a Belgian project co-funded by the European Commission's Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) programme. It is carried out in partnership by the Equal Opportunities Team (FOD Justitie - SPF Justice) and Unia.
Aalst Carnival: Unia analyses reports
Just like last year, Jewish caricatures and stereotypes were shown during the carnival in Aalst. Unia received several reports about this. We understand that some of the caricatures shocked and hurt people, and will further investigate the facts.
Unia encourages intercultural awareness in folklore traditions
Unia is calling for a more inclusive image for folkloric events and intangible heritage such as carnival. Local organisers and partners can play an important role in this. That is one of Unia’s recommendations in a report drawn up following the controversy about the anti-Semitic float in Aalst.
#GiveMe1Minute video competition: more than 100 schools against racism
"The #GiveMe1Minute video competition will be held again," announced Els Keytsman, director of Unia, at the school competition's first award ceremony in Kazerne Dossin. "More than 100 entries came in from the length and breadth of Belgium, and the competition was a huge success."
Unia worried about anti-Semitism in Belgium
Unia will today again press in anti-Semitism hearings in the Belgian Senate for the reintroduction of an anti-Semitism watchdog. The organisation will further ask Minister Kris Peeters, now responsible for Equal Opportunities, to take the first steps towards an inter-federal action plan against discrimination and racism.
European civil servant victim of anti-Semitic attack: perpetrator convicted
The Brussels Criminal Court ruled in favour of Unia and a European civil servant, declaring that the anti-Semitic hate speech and assault were aggravating circumstances. The incident was described as ‘serious and unacceptable’. Unia director Els Keytsman is concerned about the verbal abuse and threats against the Jewish community in Belgium.