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Survey - Defining one’s origin in equality data
Take the survey! In order to combat racial discrimination and inequality it is important to have data on the origins of people who suffer discrimination (equality data), so that discrimination and inequality can be identified, measures can be taken and the impact of these measures, assessed. A study funded by SPF Justice's Equal Opportunities Team.
Belgium has not taken sufficient account of the situation of Travellers
The European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) has issued its decision concerning a police operation in Belgium against Travellers. Read it here.
More challenges at work for people of foreign origin in Belgium, still in 2022
The 5th Socio-economic Monitoring, organised by Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue and Unia, shows that the position of people of foreign origin on the labour market has improved in recent years. However, their employment rate remains much lower than that of people of Belgian origin, especially when compared to neighbouring countries.
Unia filed a record number of discrimination cases in 2021
The number of complaints recorded in 2021 sadly surpassed the 10,000 mark. Unia, as a result, filed 2,379 individual cases of discrimination, hate speech or acts of hate - a record number.
Unia calls for urgent action to fight structural discrimination against people of African origin
To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Unia is publishing a report about the discrimination against people of African origin in Belgium and is making a series of recommendations. It is in the areas of employment, housing and education that the discriminations and inequalities suffered by this group are most keenly felt. "The contrast between their high level of education and their low level of employment is striking," says Els Keytsman and Patrick Charlier, Directors of Unia.
Still too few figures on inequality and discrimination in Belgium
There are still too few figures on inequality and discrimination in Belgium, say Unia and the Equal Opportunities Team of the Federal Public Service (FPS) Justice. “For example, if you want to find out whether people of other origins have equal access to healthcare in Belgium, it will be difficult to find reliable data. We urgently need more high-quality data to map equality or inequality in key domains in Belgium”, emphasizes Els Keytsman, director of Unia.
Jonatas and Tim testify: “In the end, every effort we made was worthwhile”
When Jonatas and Tim became victims of homophobic violence, they decided to take immediate action. They asked the police and Unia for help: two years after their report, the perpetrators were convicted by the court. We let Jonatas and Tim speak.
Unia is here for you - coronavirus or not
Pandemic or not, we are here to combat discrimination. Unia is here to listen and to help. Subject, of course, to the appropriate precautions. How does this affect you?
Intellectual disability and school inclusion: Belgium again condemned by the European Committee of Social Rights
Three years after Belgium was condemned for failing to guarantee the right to inclusive education in the Flemish Community for children with intellectual disabilities, the European Committee of Social Rights has made public its decision concerning education in the French Community of Belgium: Belgium is once again condemned.
Why safe spaces are essential for marginalised groups
Differentiation on the basis of skin colour is never permissible. There is not the slightest doubt about that.